Board Member
Joannie attended North Idaho College in Coeur d’ Alene, Idaho, where she majored in Early Childhood Development. Knowing first-hand the importance of child development, Joannie is all about youth and making a difference.
From raising four children in the home to teaching 20 preschoolers in the classroom, Joannie brings a wealth of passion, and skills to assist with community outreach and fundraising efforts for the Aegis Foundation.
She currently works as a preschool teacher at St. Mark’s Episcopal Day School in Barrington Hills, while also sitting on committees of the Parent Teacher Organizations at both Barrington High School and Barrington Middle School – Station Campus.
In addition, Joannie acts as room mom in the classroom where she coordinates parties, and plans events and fundraisers. She is referred to as what’s called the “Mom-a-ger,” while acting as a manager for youth sports.
Joannie serves on the Aegis Board, bringing to the table the can-do-attitude, and true motherly concern for the valuable work that Aegis does in the community. Her ability to make a difference to take wings and fly to new heights is her greatest asset to our foundation and those it benefits.