3rd annual High Heel Dash on August 15th!

high heel dash

1070 Nicollet Mall  (Target Plaza)
Minneapolis, Minnesota

3rd Annual Aegis Foundation High Heel Dash invites both men and women to show off their glamorous athletic prowess for a good cause!

On Wednesday, August 15th at Target Plaza in Downtown Minneapolis contestants will compete against each other in 25-yard dash heats wearing heels 3 inches or taller.

Special Guest DJ starts at 4pm! Heats will start at 6:30pm to give you time to leave work and dash to Nicollet Mall & 11th for a great cause!

Participants are encouraged to raise a minimum of $250 to dash (tax deductible). Contestants will receive an official High Heel Dash T-shirt and 1/2 off a 30minute massge or pedicure from Jungle Red Salon.

Prizes will be awarded for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place dashers for both Men and Women.

Spectacular Grand prize to the highest fundraiser too!!

NEW this year – Think you have what it takes to walk the catwalk? This is your time to show your walk and your shoes! Winner will be chosen by crowd applause.

Proceeds benefit Aegis Foundation and Project Healthy Smile.

A special thank you to all of our Sponsors!
Ridgedale Center, The CW, Minnesota Monthly, United Way, Wells Fargo, Masa, PartyUnit.com, Stratford Companies, Ice Pak, Shoebizness.com, Ignite Models, Minneapolis2night.com


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